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I support AVSF

Take action by giving

When it comes to supporting smallholder families in Africa, Asia and Latin America to help them achieve greater financial and food autonomy, every little helps! Your generosity enables us to combat hunger and exclusion in smallholder communities on a daily basis, and defend a model that helps preserve ecosystems.

By giving to AVSF, you are helping provide sustained support for 162,000 smallholder families in the Global South and becoming part of a community that is committed to supporting the future of our planet and humanity.

“I strongly believe that the way to improve our life here on earth is by supporting sustainable projects that focus on land and the people who live off the land. That’s why I support you in your work. Thanks for being there.” Céline (from Lot in France)

Why donate monthly?

When you set up a monthly donation, our organisation has greater visibility over our resources and can optimise the implementation of our priority actions in the field. By choosing to make a monthly donation, you authorise AVSF to debit the amount you select (€5 minimum) on the 10th day of each month.

By choosing this option, you will receive fewer donation requests from us in the post, which helps us decrease our ecological footprint and reduce the cost of collecting and processing donations so that we can devote more of our resources to our projects.

This is a flexible and effective option that allows you to spread your donations over the course of the year and receive just one donation receipt.

You may, of course, modify or stop your monthly donations at any time by contacting our donor services unit.

What is my donationused for?

By making a donation, you have the power to take action and support us in our work to promote agroecology in order to: 
  • Boost the income of the most vulnerable smallholder families, improve their living conditions and enable them to lead a better life over the long term 
  • Improve food and nutrition security
  • Help them become more resilient to climate change 
  • Preserve natural resources and the environment
Your donation to AVSF has a real and lasting impact on smallholder families, their communities and the environment. 
Donations provide critical support for important projects that are not covered by funding agencies, and they allow our organisation to have greater independence in our work. Wherever possible, AVSF shares donations across all of its missions in order to allocate the funds to the projects and communities where they are needed most.
In 2022, 88% of our funds were allocated to our social missions.

Good to know: Whether you give once or on a regular basis, you will receive a receipt for every donation you make. You can then deduct 66% of the amount of your donation from your taxes, up to 20% of your taxable income.

Have a question?

Nina Cloiseau, Head of donor services, is here to help.

Phone: +33 (0)1 43 94 72 36


Post: Service Donateur, AVSF, 45 bis avenue de la belle Gabrielle, 94 736 Nogent sur Marne, France.

Donate with confidence. We are accredited by:

Don en Confiance