Round-up donations
Little donations for big actions
Are you a veterinarian? Want to help us provide care for the animals of smallholders in the Global South? Ask your customers for round-up donations when they pay on your payment terminal.
Round-up donations allow your customers to make a donation to AVSF directly through your clinic’s payment terminal when paying for their visit. They are, of course, free to accept or refuse the donation discreetly with the tap of a button.
The round-up-donation mechanism is free, comes with no obligation and is easy to set up (installation is carried out over the phone and takes just a few minutes). It is a very effective tool for raising money, and the donations won’t affect your revenue or disrupt your cash-till system.
Setting up micro-donations at your clinic allows you to rally your co-workers around a project to promote solidarity, increase your social impact and help defend smallholder farming and animal health throughout the world.
How does it work?
1. Sign up directly online through our partner HeoH.
2. Once you have signed up, HeoH’s technical team will install the solution on your payment terminal.
3. Select the type of donation you want: round up to nearest whole number, fixed amount, or percentage of purchase price.
4. Activate or deactivate the AVSF fundraising campaign whenever you want.
5. When paying for their visit, your customers accept or refuse the donation with the tap of a button.
6. You can track the amount of donations received daily and monthly.

Christelle BERJOT
Head of sponsorship and private partnerships
Our veterinarians in action
As the first French NGO to offer veterinary expertise, AVSF helps livestock farmers become more autonomous by improving livestock-farming techniques and strengthening veterinary services in the Global South.