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Beekeeping in Brazil

Within the framework of its mission to support micro-initiatives that benefit local communities, the Fondation Air Liquide began working with AVSF in 2010 on a project aimed at developing beekeeping activities in the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the Nordeste region of Brazil, a region heavily affected by drought and desertification.

The objectives of the project are to improve the standard of living of 850 smallholder families and reduce the effects of desertification by developing agro-ecological and beekeeping practices, both of which have considerable environmental and socio-economic benefits.

The “Development of Beekeeping in Semi-arid Regions” project is part of the “O Balaio de Economia Solidaria” program for economic solidarity, which is supported by the Union Européenne [European Union] and carried out in conjunction with the PARDAL network (a group of nine Brazilian NGOs).

A total of 850 beekeepers belonging to cooperatives and organizations have been trained in the production, storage, and sale of high-quality honey. The revenue from beekeeping enables families to increase their income by 15% (the average income per family is around 150 euros). In addition to assisting the beekeepers, the Foundation also taught a group of 700 students about the health benefits of honey as part of Brazil’s national food program.

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