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Agro-ecology in Guatemala


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Égalité des chances

    Unused potential   In West Africa, 2 out of 3 people are under 25. These young people represent a source of innovation and hope, provided we invest […]

Breeding and animal health

After a particularly complicated and violent period in its history under the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia can boast of having halved its poverty rate between 2014 and 2022. Even […]


For AVSF, Myriam Mackiewicz, AVSF Technical Director According to the FAO definition, food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to safe […]


For AVSF, Katia Roesch, Agroecology and Climate Change Programme Officer In every country in the world, men and women farmers are testing methods and practices of cultivation and breeding, […]