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AVSF awarded for its innovative work in Peru

AVSF and ARPAC (Peruvian association) were awarded for their innovative project that focuses on the direct sale of high-quality products at fair prices. The project has had an impact on 5,000 small producers and more than 25,000 consumers in and around the city of Cuzco.

High-quality local products sold at fair prices for 25,000 consumers
With the help of AVSF, the Regional Association of Crop- and Livestock-Farming Producers of Cuzco (ARPAC) was able to establish the ”Huancaro” farmers market nine years ago and has been running the market according to the princple of short supply chains (”from farm to plate”) ever since. The market has been a remarkable success, and each Saturday, more than 2,000 smallholders from 13 different provinces in the Cuzco region come to sell their products directly to nearly 25,000 loyal customers.
This project, which aims to help smallholders directly sell their products at fair prices, has allowed small producers and their families to improve their quality of life and earn higher revenues. The consumers of Cuzco also benefit from both the direct relationship with the producer and the prices of the goods sold at the market, which are on average 20% lower than the prices found at markets dominated by intermediaries.

Out of 105 smallholder-farming projects, 3 chosen to receive award
It was in Washington D.C. that the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO), sponsored by the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation for Agriculture (IICA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (BID), presented the award for agricultural innovation in Latin America to AVSF and ARPAC for this joint project.
A panel of international experts selected this particular project from a pool of 105 other projects in recognition of ”the technological, institutional, and organizational innovations that have been developed by the smallholders.”

AVSF – Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières – is an officially recognized non-profit association that works for international solidarity and that has been engaged in supporting smallholder farming since 1977.

  • AVSF supports 140,000 families (nearly 700,000 people) all over the world,
  • 75 development projects in 20 different countries (in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and the Caribbean),
  • A team of over 300 employees, 85% of whom are from the countries where the development projects are carried out.


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