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AVSF warns of the seriousness of the food crisis in Mali

The current political situation in Mali has led to an elevated risk of food shortage and a rural exodus of more than 200,000 people. AVSF, which has been assisting the most vulnerable families in Mali’s rural zones since 1984, has suspended all activities in country’s northern region for the time being. The association hopes to be able to get back to work quickly once the situation improves. AVSF has decided to continue its activities in the south of the country for now.

A food crisis and a massive rural exodus
As a result of the current situation in Mali, the food crisis, which has been spreading accross country for the past several months now, is becoming more and more serious and widespread. ”The recent blockade of the boarders by the Economic Community of West African States has made food delivery more difficult, causing food prices to soar. The local populations – who are already the most vulnerable – have been hit the hardest by this phenomenon,” explained Jean-Jacques Boutrou, Director General of AVSF.
In addition to the food crisis, there has also been an exodus of 200,000 people who are fleeing the armed fighting in the region. That number could rise in the coming days, depending on how the conflict plays out.

AVSF stands with the Malian people
AVSF still stands by the Malian people and is doing everything it can to ensure the safety of its staff. Foreign staff members have already been evacuted from rural areas in the country’s northern region. The head of AVSF’s activities in Mali is with the team to coordinate with his teammates how to best help the local population.
AVSF is in regular contact with its head manager in Mali and is following his security plan. As of now, he has not decided to evacuate the team; however, AVSF has not entirely excluded the possibility of an evacuation.

Press contact: Christophe Lebel // 01 43 94 73 48


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