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Mongolian cashmere: launch of an ethical brand created by herders

“From the heart of the herders to your hands”. This brand of cashmere products from the Eetlei Baylag cooperative network (EBCN) embodies the work accomplished over the past 10 years with AVSF’s support in Mongolia. In 2023, this network, which today brings together over 2,200 goat breeders in 9 cooperatives, is embarking on a new […]

What future for rural youth ?

    Unused potential   In West Africa, 2 out of 3 people are under 25. These young people represent a source of innovation and hope, provided we invest in their potential. However, young people in the countries of the South generally face discrimination, lack access to the means of production and are under-represented in […]

The essential role of poultry farming in the equilibrium of farming families

Membres du bureau de la coopérative Sokpheap Yeong, devant leurs locaux au Cambodge

After a particularly complicated and violent period in its history under the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia can boast of having halved its poverty rate between 2014 and 2022. Even if extreme poverty is still far from being eradicated today, this progress proves that it is not inevitable. In the villages, after rice, poultry farming is […]

Fighting for food security means supporting small-scale farming !

Producteur de maïs au Pérou

For AVSF, Myriam Mackiewicz, AVSF Technical Director According to the FAO definition, food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to safe food in sufficient quantity and of sufficient quality to satisfy their dietary needs and food preferences. Food crops and cash crops: no longer opposed to each […]

Farmers: the prime movers of innovation and change

For AVSF, Katia Roesch, Agroecology and Climate Change Programme Officer In every country in the world, men and women farmers are testing methods and practices of cultivation and breeding, alone or collectively, sometimes accompanied by external organisations. These experiments and innovations enable them to adapt to changes in their environment and improve their practices, production […]

The commitment of Benoît Maria in Guatemala

Assassinated on August 10, Benoît Maria had been developing agricultural projects and defending the rights of peasants and indigenous communities in Guatemala for more than 20 years.

The Dangers of the African Swine Fever

Based in Laos, Antoine explains the epidemiological situation that threatens the food security of rural communities. He also presents the solutions provided by AVSF.

Covid-19 : all AVSF teams remain comitted

In these times of sanitary crisis, we sincerely hope that you and your close relations are fit and healthy. We wish to pay homage to all hospital and health services staff, who are relentlessly working to protect our own health. We also stand next to farmer producers, carriers and merchants, who allow us to fulfil […]