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Covid-19 : all AVSF teams remain comitted

In these times of sanitary crisis, we sincerely hope that you and your close relations are fit and healthy. We wish to pay homage to all hospital and health services staff, who are relentlessly working to protect our own health. We also stand next to farmer producers, carriers and merchants, who allow us to fulfil […]

From Emergency to Development: Building resilience through livestock-based interverventions

VSF International Policy Paper n°4 For millions of people worldwide, livestock is a key asset that offers multiple benefits, providing food and income, draft power, manure, economic security and social status. When disaster strikes, the loss of livestock affects the livelihood of livestock-dependent households, and has larger implications for the whole livestock economy and the […]

CALAO project: evaluation of agro-ecological practices in West Africa

Managed by AVSF in 2017, the CALAO Project is a Capitalization of stakeholder experience for the development of resilient agro-ecological techniques in West Africa, supported by AFD and ECOWAS. This project consisted of a work of evaluation and capitalization of the agro-environmental and socio-economic effects and impact of agro-ecological practices and systems on the basis […]

Le projet CALAO : évaluer les performances de l’agroécologie en Afrique de l’Ouest – en-gb -> à traduire

Piloté et coordonné par AVSF en 2017, le Projet CALAO est un projet de capitalisation d’expériences d’acteurs pour le développement de techniques agroécologiques résilientes en Afrique de l’Ouest, dont la maîtrise d’ouvrage est assurée par la CEDEAO.   Le projet CALAO a consisté en un travail d’évaluation et de capitalisation des effets et impact agro-environnementaux […]

Demonstrating the efficiency of agroecological practices in the South

Agroecology has now become a major political issue for rural development in the South. To help its development and encourage the use of its practices, the Working group on agroecological transitions (GTAE) organized a workshop on the 14th and 15th of December 2017. The aim of the workshop is to elaborate a common methodology to […]

The 2016 annual report of VSF international Network is now available!

In 2016, the 11 members of VSF International implemented altogether 177 projects in 31 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, improving the livelihood of 6.86 million people. We treated over 20 million animals, trained 4470 Community-based animal health workers, and distributed over 60 thousand animals to poor households. >> Read the annual report 2016 […]

Matthew’s hurricane hits severely Haiti

Hurricane Matthew has been one of the strongest in quite some time and violently struck the south of Haiti on 4 October this year. The scale of the impact has continued to increase as a result. Matthew has left a trail of devastation in its wake, particularly in southern regions, La Grande Anse and Nippes […]