Fair and sustainable agricultural supply chains

Linking Cambodian Palm Sugar and Rice Smallholder Farmers to Profitable Market in France

In Cambodia, the palm tree, which is called “Tnoat” in Khmer, is a source of income in different seasons of the year. There are about 3 million palm trees and about 20,000 community families relying on the benefits of palm trees. Its palm juice is collected from January to April. In general, 400 to 600 […]
Fair trade in West Africa

The Équité (‘equality‘) Program is carried out jointly by Plate-Forme du Commerce Equitable, Fairtrade Africa – West African Network and AVSF, and is funded by AFD and FFEM. It covers six countries in West Africa: Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Togo and Senegal. The goal is to encourage fair-trade organizations—certified farmers’ organizations, networks of […]
Fair-trade vanilla, litchi, and spices in Madagascar

After rice (a staple crop in Madagascar), spices, vanilla, and litchi are the three most important crops for both the economy of Madagascar and the food security of smallholder families. These crops are grown mainly in the island’s coastal areas. For most of these products, the harvest and export have traditionally been controlled by a […]
A smallholder market in the heart of Cuzco, Peru

This project has just been selected by the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology (FONTAGRO) to receive the Prix de l’innovation agricole en Amérique Latine [Award for Agricultural Innovation in Latin America]. The award is sponsored by the Inter-American Institute of Cooperation for Agriculture (IICA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) The Regional Association of Crop […]