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+local +healthy +fair: a campaign all about sharing

Though you may only be reading about it here for the first time, this campaign is actually the fruit of many months of hard work and collaboration that has been both productive and stimulating. We would like to take a moment to thank all of the bloggers who helped launch this “Plus près plus sain plus juste” [“+ local + healthy + fair”] campaign. Without their help, the campaign wouldn’t be what it is today!

First of all, a big thank you to all of the bloggers who took the time to try out our questionnaire (“Quel conso-citoyen êtes-vous ?“) [(“What kind of consumer-citizen are you?”)]. We appreciated their opinions and their valuable feedback!

We would also like to thank the female bloggers who attended the cooking class organized by Soya. The class focused on the three values of “Plus près plus sain plus juste [+ local + healthy + fair].” We all had a great time learning how to make delicious nori-makis from local, in-season, fair-trade products. Check out the photos from the event.

Be sure to check out all of their delicious recipes, menu ideas, and other articles:


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