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More than 300 in attendance at AVSF round-table discussion

To mark its 35-year anniversary, AVSF had the pleasure of organizing a round-table discussion entitled, ”Agro-ecology: just a dream?” The event took place on June 28, 2013, and turned out to be a great success. More than 300 people were in attendance at the Hôtel de Ville in Lyon.

Check out the following videos from the event:

Agro-ecology explained in 5 minutes

Animated video: ”Agro-ecology vs. Industrial Agriculture”

Testimonial: Dacian Ciolos, European Commissionner for Agriculture and Rural Development

The discussion featured:

  • Pascal Canfin, Deputy Minister for Development under the Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Véronique Moreira, Vice-President of the Rhône-Alpes Region, delegated to solidarity-based cooperation
  • Hubert Julien-Laferriere, Vice-President of Grand Lyon – City Councillor, delegated to international cooperation and solidarity
  • Dacian Ciolos, European Commissionner for Agriculture and Rural Development (participated via video)
  • Françoise Reiller, farmer who raises organic dairy cows in the Isère department, former President of CORABIO (Rhône-Alpes Organization of Organic Farming)
  • Marc Dufumier, Professor of comparative agriculture and agricultural development at AGROPARISTECH
  • Sarah Metais, AVSF coordinator in Bolivia
  • Jean-Luc Francois, Head of the French Development Agency’s Division of Agriculture, Rural Development, and Biodiversity
  • Frédéric Apollin, Director of AVSF

For those of you who were unable to attend the discussion, the notes will be made available soon.


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