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Follow the journey of yak down, from the Mongolian steppes to the mills in Spain where it is spun […]


Check out the video below to discover a new way to farm! […]


AVSF is pleased to invite you to a round-table discussion on Friday, June 28, at 7 p.m. at the Hôtel de Ville in Lyon. Participants will include: Pascal Canfin, […]


AVSF and ARPAC (Peruvian association) were awarded for their innovative project that focuses on the direct sale of high-quality products at fair prices. The project has had an impact […]


The journey of the fair-trade potato: from the high plateaus of the Andes to stores all throughout France. Thanks to the support of AVSF, small producers are able to […]


Agro-ecology is not just a dream! […]


AVSF will be at the Fairpride event in Paris on Sunday, May 5. It will be an opportunity for us to proudly show our support for a system of […]


Innovative female bloggers partake in cooking class to learn about cooking with organic and locally produced produce […]


AVSF is launching its first-ever publicity campaign: ”+ Local, + Heathy, + Fair: it’s better for everyone!” A positive campaign with a sense of humor to highlight the benefits […]


The ”VSF Europa” collective is organizing an international graffiti-art competition to be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. The ”MEaT2BOMB” competition will take place in four different European cities […]