Our networks
AVSF has created or participates in several professional groups and networks at national and international level, to better support and defend smallholder farmers.
AVSF is a founding member of

Created by the NGOs AVSF, AGRISUD, CARI and GRET, the Agroecological Transitions Working Group draws on their cooperation experience and that of their partners, to work in alliance with research to measure the impact and socio-economic and agri-environmental performance of agroecology, to identify the conditions for successful agroecological transitions in small-scale farming and to contribute to the political dialogue needed to scale them up.

Unique in its composition, the MOABI Group brings together development NGOs and social economy companies. They combine complementary skills and competencies in order to (a) improve the performance of smallholder farming, (b) promote a fair development of rural areas and their ecological transition, equipping them with appropriate services, and (c) strengthen smallholder farmers organizations, giving them political recognition and enabling them to participate in fair trade markets at local and international level.

The AVSF-Gret Alliance: the two NGOs are pooling their skills and expertises, coordinating their strategies in current cooperation countries and in new geographical areas, and pooling certain services to increase the impact of their actions, strengthen their national partners, increase their capacity for innovation, influence and advocacy, and jointly mobilise new funding.