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Faced with the climate crisis, boosting productive capacity

Goal(s) : Support local livestock breeders to ensure food and financial security for affected communities

Project dates : 2022 - 2023

Number of beneficiaries : 6200 households

Place of execution : Tsihombe and Ambovombe areas

In southern Madagascar, consecutive droughts have pushed communities to the brink of famine. Faced with this situation, AVSF has set up a project to help farmers adapt their livestock.

ACF (lead partner), AMI (Action Intercooperation Madagascar), AVSF, GRET, Centre Technique Agroécologique du Sud (CTAS)



Agroecology, an essential solution for combating malnutrition

At the Nutrition For Growth Summit in Paris on March 27 and 28, AVSF is defending agroecology as a concrete, realistic solution. In 2023, approximately 733 million people worldwide suffered from hunger, representing 9.1% of the global population, equivalent to 1 in 11 people. More than 36 million children […]

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