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“Réponses Paysannes” awarded at film festival!

AVSF is very happy to announce that the film “Réponses Paysannes au Changement Climatique” (Smallholder Responses to Climate Change) was awarded the “Activist Film Honorable Mention” at the  Pastoralisme et Grands espaces film festival.

The film, produced by VSF Europa (of which AVSF is a member), gives viewers a glimpse into the lives of smallholder livestock farmers in Madagascar, Iran, and South Sudan.



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Guinea Bissau

Economic recovery for people living in the island areas of Bolama and Caravela, through support for income generation, self-employment and mobility.



Burkina Faso


Ivory Coast


Support for initiatives by local producers and players, local authorities and governments committed to agro-ecological transition in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire and Togo.




SCCA project (Supporting Community Conservation in Africa): Support the recognition of community practices for a sustainable management of resources in their territories, in national legislation and international conventions on biodiversity.

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