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L'Alliance AVSF - Gret

The AVSF - GRET Alliance pools the expertise of two professional NGOs

The reasons for the Alliance

In 2022, AVSF and GRET strengthened their cooperation through the creation of an Alliance. These two development NGOs have already been working together for many years as part of the Initiatives Group and on joint projects in West Africa, Asia, Haiti and Madagascar. Through this Alliance, AVSF and GRET hope to pool their resources and increase their capacity to respond to major local and international challenges, such as the inclusion and emancipation of the world’s most vulnerable populations, the climate emergency and ecological transition, the protection of biodiversity, responses to youth issues, and the growing importance of the social and solidarity economy.

Operating on 4 continents, the AVSF-Gret Alliance aims to become a major player in international solidarity and to respond even more effectively to the global challenges of sustainable development, climate change and social justice. It is built around increased operational collaboration: the development of new sectors of activity, innovations and geographies, coordinated support for the national partners of the two NGOs, the mobilisation of innovative financing, and increased action and capacity to influence and advocate solutions.

Its ambition

‘This Alliance aims to become a major player in international solidarity, cooperation and development, recognised for its professionalism, its capacity for innovation, its technical expertise, its roots in partner countries and the impact of its action’, says Henry de Cazotte, President of GRET.

“The originality of this alliance lies in the fact that our organisations complement each other to provide ever more relevant responses to the vital needs of populations, and to build, in conjunction with international civil society, innovative proposals to influence development and cooperation policies. In an uncertain international context, this is a crucial institutional adaptation to help ensure the continuity and relevance of our actions”, says Barbara Dufour, President of AVSF.

Skills and fields of action

Key figures for 2023


The Alliance’s budget

1 089



countries of operation

Some news

1st half 2025

The Alliance is launching a new foresight project on a key issue: the integration of the private sector in cooperation projects. What opportunities does this offer? What limits does it impose? How should our NGOs adapt to this development? The private sector is playing an increasingly important role in certain cooperation initiatives. Today, public and private development players – including the European Union – are encouraging greater synergy with businesses. On the strength of its experience with traditional and social economy companies in Europe and the South, the Alliance intends to refine its strategy and structure its partnerships for the coming years.


The Alliance is stepping up its cooperation on high-impact projects:
Tambatra – Madagascar: launch of the 2nd phase of the project to improve food and nutritional security in rural areas near Antananarivo, with the support of the Monegasque Cooperation.
Côte d’Ivoire: launch of joint support with INADES for the development of sustainable cocoa farming and the setting up of biofactories, financed by AFD.
In preparation for 2025: co-identification of ambitious programmes for innovative family farming, capable of meeting the challenges of biodiversity, climate and the ‘One Health’ approach.

1st half of 2024

The AVSF-Gret Alliance has launched a wide-ranging consultation with all its national teams on their perception and that of their partners of the notion of ‘localisation of aid’: how is it perceived and translated in their country? What are the implications for our ways of working and cooperating, and how can we better share decision-making powers, communication and financial resource management with our partners?

1st September 2024

The AVSF-Gret Alliance has set up an initial shared service between the two NGOs for the prevention of security risks: a single team has been set up at the headquarters of the two NGOs to meet the needs of AVSF and GRET teams in terms of training, support and advice, auditing of security protocols and rules in all cooperation countries, establishment of a common general security policy.