Methodological recommendations to better evaluate the effects of farmer field schools mobilized to support agroecological transitions

Methodological recommendations to better evaluate the effects of farmer field schools mobilized to support agroecological transitions The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach, based on group experimentation of innovative practices and/or farming systems, is in line with participatory farm advisory efforts. This approach has an ambitious goal: strengthening farmers’ skills so that they can adapt their […]
Training Guide: Agroecology as a Substitute for Pesticides
Réduire l’utilisation et les risques des pesticides et produits vétérinaires par des pratiques alternatives viables This training guide was written by the members of AVSF (employees and volunteers)who are deeply concerned about the growing use of pesticides and veterinary products in developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, many of which are no longer authorized in developed countries […]
Support mechanisms for agroecological transitions: from technology transfer to developing local innovation processes
Capitalizing on AVSF experiences in Madagascar, Togo and Honduras Les dispositifs d’appui aux transitions agroécologiques : du transfert de technologies à la dynamisation de processus locaux d’innovation Capitalisation d’expériences d’AVSF à Madagascar, au Togo et au Honduras Dans cette capitalisation transversale, trois dispositifs d’appui aux transitions agroécologiques mis en œuvre et expérimentés par AVSF à […]
Agroecology: evaluation methods for its effects and conditions for development

Agroecology: evaluation methods for its effects and conditions for development Proceedings of the exchange and methodological construction workshop on the 14th and 15th of December 2017 This document presents the work of the exchange workshop organized on December 14th and 15th, 2017 by the Working Group on Agroecological Transitions (GTAE in French – created par […]
CALAO Project: Capitalization of Experiences in West Africa; Factors that further or limit the development of agro-ecological practices; Evaluation of the socio-economic and agro-environmental effects

Managed by AVSF in 2017, the CALAO Project is a Capitalization of stakeholder experience for the development of resilient agro-ecological techniques in West Africa, supported by AFD and ECOWAS. This project consisted of a work of evaluation and capitalization of the agro-environmental and socio-economic effects and impact of agro-ecological practices and systems on the basis […]
Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa

Agroecological innovations in a context of climate change in Africa Climate evolutions accelerate land degradation, further restrict water availability, and limit growth season length and crop and animal productivity. All over Africa, peasants implement agroecological practices to efficiently use natural resources for food production. This study presents adaptation strategies to climate change developing agroecology in […]
InternatIonal year of famIly farmIng: for the polItIcal recognItIon of the effIcIency and performance of small-scale farmIng!

International year of family farming: for the political recognition of the efficiency and performance of small-scale farmIng! Despite its considerable assets, family farming is all too often faced with persistent exclusion from access to natural resources and services. Its vulnerability to economic and climate crises, to free trade and investment policies and to price instability […]